Traditional Roman Catholic Church - Latin Mass Pastor: Rev. John Trough

Traditional Roman Catholic Church - Latin Mass

Pastor: Rev. John Trough

Traditional Latin Mass:

Next Mass: Sunday, March 9th at 10am (First Sunday of Lent) (Fr Gabriel, CMRI)

at 15 Bennett St, Piedmont, SC 29673

***Confessions begin one hour before Mass***

Upcoming Mass dates:

  • Saturday, March 29 at 10am (Lenten Feria) (Fr Trough, CMRI)

  • Sunday, April 13th at 10am (Palm Sunday) (Priest TBD)

  • Saturday, April 19th (Easter Vigil Event) (No priest)

    • 6:30pm - Unveiling of our images,

    • 6:45pm - The Way of the Cross, according to the method of St. Alphonsus Ligouri, followed by the singing of " Sacred Head Surrounded" and "Adoramus Te Christe" (copies of the prayers and song will be available in the Chapel),

    • 7:15pm-ish - Pascal "Bonfire" (I use the term loosely, but we will have an outdoor fire); Please bring any old or broken religious articles for proper disposal AND an appropriate story to share around the fire.

    • 8:15pm-ish - Lighting of the Paschal Candle and installation in the chapel,

  • Saturday, April 26 at 10am (Easter Saturday) (Fr Trough, CMRI)

  • Sunday, May 11th at 10am (St. Phillip & St. James) (Priest TBD)

Our Lady of Fatima Mission is a Traditional Roman Catholic mission church founded in Greenville, SC in June of 2020. We are a Traditional Catholic parish, rejecting the changes of Vatican II and adhering firmly to the unchangeable Catholic Faith as taught by all true Popes, from St. Peter to Pius XII, and are not affiliated with the modernist “Diocese of Charleston”. At this time we host the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on the second and last Saturday of every month, with the goal of expanding in the near future.


Weekly Block Rosary

In an effort to utilize the power of group prayer, parishioners pray the Rosary together weekly for the continued growth, success, and other intentions of the mission church. Join us every Sunday at 9AM EST on Discord at the following link: